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A fresh example of Simpson’s Paradox in the wild has recently emerged! Here’s the story: some researchers and policymakers argue that the NIH (National Institutes of Health) funds too many “small and crappy” trials, which has been regularly reported in the press.
On Twitter/X, there’s been a lot of discussion about Chernozhukov’s textbook, which came out on February 24th. Having read several chapters in detail and skimmed through the rest, here’s my take on it.
Having recently done a review of libraries on causality, I have the impression that Microsoft’s option is the most viable among others, since it has technical support, promotion and community support. However, I am not mostly a big fan of this “specify all the parameters you can and step aside” approach.
Not so long ago, the third annual Causal Data Science Meeting was held on November 7-8. Among the trends this year, it is worth noting that, unlike in previous years, there are more and more papers on methods directly working in or being developed for production environments.
Name | Team | Software | Keywords | link |
causalai | Salesforce | Python | Discovery | Time Series | basic-inference | |
pycid | Causal Incentives Working Group a collaboration with Oxford, DeepMind and Toronto researchers | Python | bayesian-networks | influence-diagrams | |
causal-learn | Center for Causal Discovery, pittsbugh | Python | discovery |hidden-causal | Time Series basic-inference | tetrad | |
CausalImpact | Google, Inc | R | Bayesian time-series | |
EconML | Microsoft Research | Python | Machine Learning Based Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects | |
causalnex | Petuum | Python | augment model | structure learning | |
dowhy | Microsoft Research | Python | Double ML | Matching | Balancing Synthetic control Outcome-based Learners (e.f. X-Learner) Dif&Dif | basic-inference | |
causalToolbox | University of California | R | X-learner | |
showwhy | Microsoft Research | TypeScript | no-code interfaces | |
causalimages-software | The University of Texas at Austin | R | computer-vision | earth-observation biomedical-image-analysis | |
gCastle | Huawei Noah's Ark Lab | Python | Structure Learning gradient-based learning | |
causallib | BiomedSciAI | Python | basic-inference | |
causal-cmd | Center for Causal Discovery, pittsbugh | java | CMD based | discovery | |
ResearchMap | UCLA | JS | Optimal experiments | augmented models | |
5 лет назад совместно с «Всероссийской государственной библиотекой иностранной литературы имени М.И.Рудомино» я сделал рекомендательный список литературы и периодики, посвященных поведенческой экономике. Публикую его сегодня, следуя рекомендации, когда-то данной мне Быковским – спустя 5 лет, и сопровождая сегодняшними комментариями.
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
An introductory talk on causal inference. Our thinking is poorly adapted for reasoning about cause-and-effect relationships. This leads to problems in work communication and introduces distortions in the modeling process.
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.